• Request authorization of a session allowing this agent to issue UCANs signed by the passed email address.


    • access: Agent<Service>
    • email: `${string}@${string}`
    • Optional opts: {
          capabilities: undefined | Iterable<{
              can: Ability;
          dontAddProofs: undefined | boolean;
          expectAuthorization: undefined | AuthorizationWaiter<{}>;
          signal: undefined | AbortSignal;
      } = {}
      • capabilities: undefined | Iterable<{
            can: Ability;
      • dontAddProofs: undefined | boolean

        whether to skip adding proofs to the agent

      • expectAuthorization: undefined | AuthorizationWaiter<{}>

        function that will resolve once account has confirmed the authorization request

      • signal: undefined | AbortSignal

    Returns Promise<void>

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