
  • UsageData


events: {
    cause: Link<unknown, number, number, 1>;
    delta: number;
    receiptAt: string;

Events that caused the size to change during the period.

Type declaration

  • cause: Link<unknown, number, number, 1>

    CID of the invoked task that caused the size to change.

  • delta: number

    Number of bytes that were added or removed.

  • receiptAt: string

    ISO datetime that the receipt was issued for the change.

period: {
    from: string;
    to: string;

Period the report applies to.

Type declaration

  • from: string

    ISO datetime the report begins from (inclusive).

  • to: string

    ISO datetime the report ends at (inclusive).

provider: `did:web:${string}`

Provider the report concerns, e.g. did:web:web3.storage

size: {
    final: number;
    initial: number;

Observed space size for the period.

Type declaration

  • final: number

    Size at the end of the report period.

  • initial: number

    Size at the beginning of the report period.

space: `did:key:${string}`

Space the report concerns.

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