Logical representation of a file shard. When large files are chunked slices that span multiple blocks may be represented via file shards in certain DAG layouts (e.g. balanced & trickle DAGs).

Please note in protobuf representation there is only one file node type with many optional fields. Different combination of those fields corresponds to a different semntaics. Combination of fields in this type represent a branch nodes in the file DAGs in which nodes beside leaves and root exist.

Also note that you may encounter FileShards with mode and mtime fields which according to our definition would be AdvancedFile. However just as with FileChunk / SimpleFile, here as well, you should treat node as AdvancedFile if you encounter it in the root position (that is to say regard mode, mtime field) and treat it as FileShard node if encountered in any other position (that is ignore mode, mtime fileds).


  • FileShard



layout: "advanced"
parts: readonly FileLink[]
type: File

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