

concurrentRequests?: number

The number of concurrent requests to store shards. Default 3.

connection?: ConnectionView<Service>
customOrder?: boolean

whether the directory files have already been ordered in a custom way. indicates that the upload must not use a different order than the one provided.

fetch?: {
    (input, init?): Promise<Response>;
    (input, init?): Promise<Response>;

Type declaration

    • (input, init?): Promise<Response>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<Response>

    • (input, init?): Promise<Response>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<Response>

fetchWithUploadProgress?: FetchWithUploadProgress
onDirectoryEntryLink?: ((link) => void)

Type declaration

    • (link): void
    • Callback for every DAG encoded directory entry, including the root.


      Returns void

onShardStored?: ((meta) => void)

Type declaration

onUploadProgress?: ProgressFn
pieceHasher?: MultihashHasher<MulticodecCode<4113, "fr32-sha2-256-trunc254-padded-binary-tree">>
retries?: number
rootCID?: AnyLink

The root CID of the DAG contained in the shards. By default The last block is assumed to be the DAG root and becomes the CAR root CID for the last CAR output. Set this option to use this CID instead.

shardSize?: number

The target shard size. Actual size of CAR output may be bigger due to CAR header and block encoding data.

signal?: AbortSignal

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