add: TheCapabilityParser<CapabilityMatch<"store/add", `did:key:${string}` & `did:${string}` & Phantom<{
    protocol: "did:";
}>, Space.Store.Schema.InferStruct<{
    link: Space.Store.Schema.Schema<Link<unknown, 514, number, 1>, any>;
    origin: Space.Store.Schema.Schema<undefined | Link<unknown, number, number, 0 | 1>, unknown>;
    size: Space.Store.Schema.NumberSchema<number & Phantom<{
        typeof: "integer";
    }>, unknown>;
}>>> = ...

store/add capability allows agent to store a CAR file into a (memory) space identified by did:key in the with field. Agent must precompute CAR locally and provide it's CID and size using and nb.size fields, allowing a service to provision a write location for the agent to PUT or POST desired CAR into.

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