revoke: TheCapabilityParser<CapabilityMatch<"ucan/revoke", `did:${string}:${string}` & `did:${string}` & Phantom<{
    protocol: "did:";
}>, Space.Store.Schema.InferStruct<{
    proof: Space.Store.Schema.Schema<undefined | Link<Capabilities, MulticodecCode<number, string>, SigAlg>[], unknown>;
    ucan: Space.Store.Schema.Schema<Link<Capabilities, MulticodecCode<number, string>, SigAlg>, unknown>;
}>>> = ...

ucan/revoke capability is a replacement for the UCAN Revocation that had been proposed to a UCAN working group and had a tentative support from members.

Capability can be used to revoke nb.ucan authorization from all proofs chains that lead to the UCAN issued or being delegated to the principal identified by the with field. Note that revoked UCAN MUST continue to be valid in the invocation where proof chain does not lead to the principal identified by the with field.

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