• Creates a Ucanto connection for the w3access API


    import { connection } from '@web3-storage/access/agent'

    Type Parameters

    • T extends `did:${string}:${string}`

      DID method

    • S extends Record<string, any> = Service


    • Optional options: {
          channel: undefined | Transport.Channel<S>;
          fetch: undefined | {
              (input, init?): Promise<Response>;
              (input, init?): Promise<Response>;
          principal: undefined | Principal<T>;
          url: undefined | URL;
      } = {}
      • channel: undefined | Transport.Channel<S>

        Ucanto channel to use

      • fetch: undefined | {
            (input, init?): Promise<Response>;
            (input, init?): Promise<Response>;

        Fetch implementation to use

      • principal: undefined | Principal<T>

        w3access API Principal

      • url: undefined | URL

        w3access API URL

    Returns ConnectionView<S>

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