confirm: TheCapabilityParser<CapabilityMatch<"access/confirm", `did:${string}:${string}` & `did:${string}` & Phantom<{
    protocol: "did:";
}>, Schema.InferStruct<{
    att: Schema.Schema<Schema.InferStruct<{
        can: Schema.StringSchema<string, unknown>;
    }>[], unknown>;
    aud: Schema.Schema<`did:${string}:${string}` & `did:${string}` & Phantom<{
        protocol: "did:";
    }>, any>;
    cause: Schema.Schema<Link<unknown, number, number, 1>, any>;
    iss: Schema.Schema<`did:mailto:${string}` & `did:${string}` & Phantom<{
        protocol: "did:";
    }>, any>;

Capability is delegated by us to the user allowing them to complete the authorization flow. It allows us to ensure that user clicks the link and we don't have some rogue agent trying to impersonate user clicking the link in order to get access to their account.

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