put: TheCapabilityParser<CapabilityMatch<"http/put", `did:key:${string}` & `did:${string}` & Phantom<{ protocol: "did:"; }>, Space.Store.Schema.InferStruct<{ body: Space.Store.Schema.StructSchema<({ digest: Schema<Uint8Array, unknown>; size: NumberSchema<number & Phantom<{ typeof: "integer"; }>, unknown>; }
), unknown>; headers: Space.Store.Schema.Schema<Space.Store.Schema.InferStruct<({ 'ucan/await': Schema<[string, Link<unknown, number, number, 0 | 1>], any>; }
)> | Space.Store.Schema.Dictionary<string, string>, unknown>; url: Space.Store.Schema.Schema<string | Space.Store.Schema.InferStruct<({ 'ucan/await': Schema<[string, Link<unknown, number, number, 0 | 1>], any>; }
)>, unknown>; }>>> = ...
capability invocation MAY be performed by any authorized agent on behalf of the subject as long as they have referencedbody
content to do so.